Contribute helps the standardization agency achieve a smooth process for grant applications with Oracle Cloud and APEX low-code rapidly.

Contribute helps the standardization agency achieve a smooth process for grant applications with Oracle Cloud and APEX low-code rapidly.

Discover how Contribute helped NBN achieve a smooth grant application process in record time with Oracle Cloud and APEX low-code.



The Bureau for Standardization (NBN), responsible for developing and selling European and International standards, has undergone an impressive transformation. With the assistance of Contribute, an expert in Oracle Cloud and APEX low-code, NBN has revamped its IT architecture, resulting in a cloud-native stack based on Oracle technology.

This shift has led to lower total cost of ownership, increased business continuity, and reduced dependence on niche competencies. Furthermore, Contribute has implemented the PNNA project, an integrated platform that simplifies subsidy applications for research centers and sector federations, streamlining and accelerating the process.

Johan Haelterman, Chairman of the Executive Committee at NBN, emphasizes the value of Oracle’s robust IT architecture and the choice of Contribute as an IT partner. “The major advantage for NBN is opting for a streamlined technology stack where the Oracle platform offers many long-term benefits,” he says.

Thanks to Contribute’s dedication, the power of Oracle-APEX low-code, and the software factory approach, the PNNA platform was launched in just two months. This project highlights not only NBN’s technical capabilities but also their commitment to value creation, customer-centricity, efficient processes, and competence. Johan Haelterman concludes, “We have certainly found this match with Contribute!”

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